The IASOM platform

(1) The goal of The International Association for Studies of Men (IASOM) is to promote international cooperation and development of studies of men, based on profeminist, gayaffirmative and antiracist principles, and to enhance the critical depth, variety and methodological and theoretical development of this field.

(2) The association welcomes as members national organizations, groups and individuals who are active in the field and agree with the association's platform. IASOM welcomes women as well as men. The association primarily is directed towards scholars and researchers in the social science and humanities fields, therapeuts, and within limits it is also open to graduate students and others who work with men's studies questions or related issues.

Organizational guidelines

(1) In 1993, The Norwegian Network for Studies of Men, in cooperation with the The Nordic Studies of Men Coordination Group, was given the primary responsibility of building the association, extending the contacts network, and creating organizational procedures in the first period. (This was part of the decision to create IASOM at the NOMAS conference in July that year). In the first period, the association will be led by a coordination group representing the Norwegian and other Nordic networks and research communities in the field.

(2) The IASOM coordination group should consist of members who best represent the association's membership and work for its aims. After the first period, a new coordination group will be elected by the organization members. Originally, this planned in 1996/97, but we have not yet been able to implement it (see below).

(3) Organizational issues shall be decided democratically primarily through open discussions in the newsletter and other fora, and if necessary through fax/mail voting.

(4) The coordination group prepares and distributes at least two annual newsletter issues to members. Members should participate in debates and help make their views known through the newsletter. All issues that needs voting must be presented for members through the newsletter. The coordination group must arrange a vote if a substantial minority of members wants it.

(5) Voting is based on individual membership. Democratic processes in the organization however should seek a balance based on member organizations and various countries' and regions' rights, as well as the rights of individual members, and the voting system may be revised for this purpose.

(6) The IASOM majority should seek to avoid any measure that would seriously harm the work in one or a minority of membership countries. Members must respect national and cultural differences on an egalitarian basis and observe the foundation principles in organizational matters, and especially help create IASOM contacts in the third world.

(7) Where there are several national or regional networks or organizations within the studies of men field or the men's studies field, IASOM welcomes all who support our platform. National differences and controversies may be presented in IASOM fora but should mainly be solved on the national level.

(8) IASOM primarily has an advisory role related to member organizations and individuals, and cannot demand that they follow the association's view in any specific matter. In exceptional instances, where the member organization or individual clearly breaks with the association platform, the membership can be withdrawn. If there is any disagreement, such decisions must be affirmed through voting. Also, the association can take action where there is a clear break with academic standards (fraud, etc.).

(9) The IASOM coordination group has the right to decide an annual membership fee for the first period, in order to cover newsletter and regular communication expenses. The organisation's elected bodies work for free, but can have their travel expenses covered within strict limits. The practical organizational work primarily should be financed through national or international research funding, and only from members' pockets if absolutely necessary.

Comments (June 1997):

We have not always been able to publish two newsletters annually.

The coordination and newsletter editorial functions should circulate between different regions/countries. Yet IASOM is still in a build-up phase, functioning as a newsletter and network, and we have not yet found another regional/national network that can take over the newsletter and other coordination tasks for the next period.